Private Cloud

Aggregate multiple storage silos of any size and vendor

A True Private Cloud

Embrace Cloud Flexibility and Agility in Your Data Centers. Scale storage quickly and store data anywhere you need.

Storage silos exist in most data centers today, making it complex and costly to manage. By nature, each silo enforces its own lifecycle, scale, hardware refresh, and limitations. NooBaa introduces a totally different experience, turning your existing storage infrastructure into a private cloud with built-in agility and flexibility. It eliminates the limitations on scaling and geographic data distribution and the pain of migration and hardware refresh.

With AWS S3 compatibility and hardware-agnostic technology, NooBaa lets you easily aggregate multiple storage silos of any size and vendor. NooBaa’s unique architecture lets you scale storage quickly and store data anywhere you need. You can even create your own availability region with just one click.

Connect any Linux or Windows server as storage nodes

Configure bucket data resiliency policies and data placement policies

Multiple data chunks will be distributed to storage nodes


How Does NooBaa’s Private-Cloud Works?

NooBaa's private cloud solution let customer focus on scale and not migration projects.

NooBaa simply turns any Linux or Windows server, with any capacity, into a storage node.

When data is written to NooBaa's endpoint, a process of deduplication, compression and encryption will take place, and multiple data chunks will be distributed to storage nodes and stored on multiple drives, using the NooBaa bucket data resiliency policies and data placement policies.

The data resiliency policies determine how many full replicas will be created for every object in a bucket, or alternatively, what will be the erasure coding used for each object.

The data placement policies determine the physical location of each object, which can spread the data over the storage nodes or mirror data between racks, data centers or even a cloud tier.

NooBaa will prioritize local data writes, when possible, and will mirror or spread the data to remote locations in the background.


How is NooBaa different from other solutions?

High Stack and Low Stack combined

NooBaa has combined advanced high stack and low stack feature set into one single data platform.

The high stack includes everything a customer can expect from a data management platform including rich metadata, data replication, personalized data flow, and security in rest and in motion. 

The low stack includes everything a customer can expect from a modern storage target, such as compression, deduplication, enhanced erasure coding, data integrity, etc.

The Freedom to Change, Easily

Agility for your business is a high priority for NooBaa.

Customers can easily create multiple data repositories, isolate or share data, locate it the data anywhere and change their mind at any time. 

With NooBaa you can easily scale, but also shrink your data when projects fail.

Personalized Data Management

NooBaa's independent serverless functions introduce unique and personalized data flows.

The functions can automatically tier data, manipulate data on the fly, anonymize DICOM records, mask financial information, and much more, completely controlled by the customers.

Unique Technology

NooBaa is a software-only solution, and its architecture built for the cloud.

Each one of NooBaa's component is scalable separately in parallel to data scalability. 

NooBaa can run on any hardware on premises in a mixture of cloud resources. 

By design, NooBaa considers any local drive and cloud storage as a storage resource.

NooBaa focuses only on object storage protocols, which is not sensitive to latency and allows the workloads to get the maximum performance while keeping data integrity, resiliency, etc intact.

Create your own private cloud

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